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Saturday, September 5, 2015

5 Things I'll Trade for Your Wrap

Obviously, I do not have the money to support my babywearing obsession. After all, I'm seeking funds from strangers out of the kindness of their babywearing hearts (feel free to leave a tip above!). So, I started thinking, what would I be willing to trade for a wrap? Here are my top five things I'd be willing to trade...

Don't let this poor baby lay on the floor!
Make a trade today and give this little one the wrap of her dreams!

1) Breastmilk

They say breastmilk is liquid gold, right? If that is really the case, then I've got funds to cover my next ten wraps right here in my freezer! As a selling point, breastmilk is not only edible (for babies or adults, in a bottle or even a cake!), but it has been known to cure pink eye, ear infections, and annoying husbands (just squirt a little in his face the next time he says, "do you really need another carrier?").

2) Baby socks

No, I don't know any of their sizes. No, not a single one will come with its match. But hey, just tell your friends the baby dressed itself, and they'll find those randomly paired socks endearing!

3) Wine bottles

Bottles, bottles everywhere, but not an ounce to drink! Oh, you expected them to be full, you say? I have four daughters, four and under. I actually take my wine via IV now. But for the low cost of one beautiful wrap, you can have a box full of elegant wine bottles that represent the empty space in my mind that was once filled with my sanity.

4) Size 6 jeans

These lovely, barely used jeans are perfect for any person who has not recently had a baby. Have I lost all my baby weight from the last four pregnancies? Why yes! (It was a breastfeeding miracle!) Yet somehow the stretched out flab of belly skin prevents me from fitting into my old jeans without creating the least appetizing muffin top you've ever seen. So by all means, take me up on this wonderful offer, and I will continue to stuff my flab into my maternity pants even though the only baby growing in this belly is made of Oreos!

5) My baby

What? Like you've never considered trading your baby for the wrap you would be carrying her in! Mine is a beautiful little three month old with a full head of hair, she already coos and giggles, and she even sleeps (mostly) through the night! What will I wrap without said baby, you ask? Well, I have plenty of stuffed animals, a dog...but mostly I just want to cover my bed in my stash and roll around in luscious rainbows while my husband is at work!

So, please feel free to let me know if you have a wrap worthy of any of these amazing trades, and we'll talk. 😉

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